Dear Global Companies The present climatic condition of the planet brings about a reduction of its produced resources. This is getting worse than the wars around the planet. As a result, the purchasing power and consumption of people's products is decreasing more and more. Until now many of you have been competitors. You bid to buy raw materials, spend a lot of money on advertising to make your products the first choice of the consumer. The facts have now changed. You can no longer continue in this destructive direction. The big chain stores place their cheaper private label products next to yours and they become the first choice over your branded ones, as they don't need to be advertised to be chosen. For the reasons stated above, you can no longer buy more expensively the dwindling resources of the planet and have your sales decrease more and more. You must cooperate and manage your achievements. Just as you co-exist in all the points of sale of your products, you must also co-exist in a global common distribution network. You must work together so that your products can be sourced directly from you the small market, through your worldwide, of yours local distributors. I suggest you stop competing with each other and cooperate in a common global distribution network. Don't forget that your investors can own shares of any companies you compete with. I am at your disposal to share with you my proposal and my work, which is yours and for you is about to be created. How much money equally you are going to invest to get equal percentages of 40% ↗ of it is your choice. But whatever you invest from zero to whatever you decide, I will always have 60% ↗ of it. It's not about ego or money. It is a matter of idea, knowledge, direction, leadership, and above all, respect. The global product distribution network I build for you and it's yours. I am open to your suggestions, but my final choice will always be followed. I am waiting for your news.
In the meantime take a look here. ↗
Rhodes 26-12-2023 Yours sincerely. |